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Meet the owner:

Jasmine Morrison

My name is Jasmine Morrison, and I own Our Daily Threads LLC, based in Woodbridge, Virginia. Our mission is to empower Christians to embrace their faith boldly through casual apparel, spreading God's word, and inspiring conversations about faith. I believe it is essential to represent my faith unashamed & unapologetically and spread God's message through apparel that can be seen just about every day, hoping to spark conversation with others.​


Outside of managing ODT, I own J. Nichole Photography LLC. Most of the photos and videos seen on this website and ODT social media accounts are taken by me. I also work full-time as an IT Specialist for the Federal Government. So, you can say I am swamped but not too busy to attend church, spend time with family and friends, and spread God's message. I appreciate you taking the time to support my small business, and I hope you find the products inspirational.


God Bless!


Jasmine N. Morrison

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